lunes, 6 de enero de 2020


                             The sargassum catastrophe



 The sagazo is an algae is a genus of planktonic macroalgae of the Phaeophyceae class in the order Fucales. Algae, which can grow by several meters, are brown or blackish green. Some species have gas-filled vesicles to maintain a float and promote photosynthesis. In the internet photos, the beaches of the state of Quintana Roo, look like a blue and crystalline mirror. But that day he found something similar to a mud lake.

                                        Resultado de imagen de quintana roo sargazo 

This species of brown macroalgae has affected coastal ecosystems, causing the death of marine species such as turtles and fish.
This seaweed can also be food and home for various marine species, due to the amount of nutrients in the form of plankton that it offers. It serves as a refuge for fish, shrimp, turtles and crabs.


 This macroalgae appears in tropical areas and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea are the perfect places for its production. However, the origin of this seaweed is in the sea
of the sargassum located near the Bermuda Islands.
Bermuda Islands Image Result.

 Resultado de imagen de islas bermudas           Resultado de imagen de islas bermudas



According to the research of the UNAM (The National Autonomous University of Mexico. The National University of Missions, in Argentina. The National University of Moquegua, in Peru). Environmental pollution is accelerating global warming, which is increasing the temperature of the water and produces the sargassum sweeps the Caribbean coast as it is known as the protector of the sea.

 In the image we can see the barrier they created to retain the sargassum and does not affect the beaches, nor the tourism of Quintana Roo.

                                          Resultado de imagen de quintana roo sargazo 

We must take care of the wonders of the world, therefore we must preserve them, doing mingas, not littering, among other things ...
so that it does not reach and affect other ecosystems and reach our beaches.
We not only damage our oceans and ecosystems but also ourselves (humans). Apart from Ecuador, we have our reservations in the Galapagos National Park where the unique flora and fauna is found in the world so we must take care of them.
                                       Resultado de imagen de quintana roo

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